Submitted by Cliff Donath on Tue, 06/09/2015 - 09:16
The IACAT board would like to receive nominations for Vice President. The Vice President becomes President and then Past President, each for a two year period. Nominations should be sent to
You may nominate yourself or other persons interested and knowledgeable in adaptive testing. Please send a biography for the person being nominated. The membership will vote once we have the nominations (due by July 30, 2015).
Current Board
Past President: Lawrence M. Rudner
President: John Barnard
Vice President:
Secretary: Duanli Yan
Treasurer: Kathi Gialluca
Regional representatives
North America: Alan Mead
Africa, Australia, South America: Marie de Beer
Europe: Theo Eggen
Asia: Tetsuo Kimura
Executive Director: Cliff Donath
Membership Director: Nate Thompson
2015 Conference at Cambridge University, UK.
Date: 14-16 September 2015 with 3-hour pre-conference workshops in the morning of the first day
Venue: Queens College, University of Cambridge
Theme: CAT in action – exploring new horizons.
Please offer a session presentation at this location.
Presentations will be reviewed by our senior research team to make selections for the conference. We expect to announce acceptance sometime in late July.