TitleAn examination of exposure control and content balancing restrictions on item selection in CATs using the partial credit model
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsDavis, LL, Pastor, DA, Dodd, BG, Chiang, C, Fitzpatrick, SJ
JournalJournal of Applied Measurement
Publication Languageeng
Accession Number12700429
Keywords*Computers, *Educational Measurement, *Models, Theoretical, Automation, Decision Making, Humans, Reproducibility of Results

The purpose of the present investigation was to systematically examine the effectiveness of the Sympson-Hetter technique and rotated content balancing relative to no exposure control and no content rotation conditions in a computerized adaptive testing system (CAT) based on the partial credit model. A series of simulated fixed and variable length CATs were run using two data sets generated to multiple content areas for three sizes of item pools. The 2 (exposure control) X 2 (content rotation) X 2 (test length) X 3 (item pool size) X 2 (data sets) yielded a total of 48 conditions. Results show that while both procedures can be used with no deleterious effect on measurement precision, the gains in exposure control, pool utilization, and item overlap appear quite modest. Difficulties involved with setting the exposure control parameters in small item pools make questionable the utility of the Sympson-Hetter technique with similar item pools.